LFG24: The 29th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference - First Call for Papers

LFG24 welcomes work within the formal architecture of Lexical-Functional Grammar as well as typological, formal, and computational work within the 'spirit of LFG' as a lexicalist approach to language employing a parallel, constraint-based framework. The conference aims to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers interested in non-derivational approaches to grammar, where grammar is seen as the interaction of (perhaps violable) constraints from multiple levels of structuring, including those of syntactic categories, grammatical relations, semantics and discourse.


The 16th Linguistics Association of Ghana Annual Conference (LAG 2024) and the 29th Lexical Functional Grammar Annual Conference (LFG2024) will be co-organized at the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana from 21st to 23rd August, 2024. On this website, you will find useful information about the conferences, including abstract submission, accommodation in Accra, travel and visa requirements to Ghana, and the full programmes of the two events once we have accepted all the abstracts.